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How To Increase Your Website’s Landing Pages Conversion Rates
  • Posted at 12:01 am in Landing Page , Lead Generation , by Digital Canteen
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How To Increase Your Website’s Landing Pages Conversion Rates

A landing page has a very important role to play in lead generation. Its absence may potentially impact the marketing strategies outlined by online marketers. Landing pages direct traffic to other targeted pages of your website which goes a long way in improving conversion rates. Many marketing experts aver that having a larger number of website landing pages can significantly increase the conversion rate.

However, it isn’t uncommon for big and small businesses to face challenges when it comes to designing all perfect marketing strategies. This is because a large number of marketers do not follow best practices while optimising landing pages. Here are some pointers that can help you increase your website’s landing pages’ conversion rates:

#1 Set The Right Campaign Goals

While it may seem like the objective is very clear, most landing pages lack a specific goal. It isn’t uncommon for businesses to add multiple offers on a single landing page. This confuses the users and they lose sight of the main conclusion aspect of your landing pages. Prioritise adding only one solution or offer per landing page. This will go a long way in ensuring that visitors are focused and that they don’t lose sight of the final goal.

#2 Write Straightforward And Simple Headlines

Online users have very little attention timespans, making it necessary for marketers to focus on grabbing the visitor’s attention in just a few seconds. When you maintain a very straightforward and bold headline, its simplicity catches the attention of visitors which encourages them to stay on the page.

#3 Ensure that the flow of text is compelling

The simple fact is that a reader will not delve into the details on your landing page if they aren’t satisfied with what they read from the outset. Being genuine and getting to the point from the start is one of the best ways to ensure that your landing page copy is convincing and effective.

#4 Use Great Images

While textual content is very important, images are extremely effective in bringing out the emotions required to encourage users to take action. When you focus on ensuring that the images used on your landing page are in sync with all the content on it, that will improve the effectiveness of the messages.

#5 Use CTAs That Encourage Users To Take Action

Calls to action are a very important aspect of your landing page. When you focus on getting it right, your CTA will encourage users to take action. Some of the things you need to focus on include:

  • The colour of the CTA button should contrast with the background colour. Green, blue or orange CTAs work best.
  • The size of the Call To Action button matters a great deal. It should be proportionate to the layout of the page and not be too big or small.
  • Focus on creating a sense of urgency in your CTA as this will help improve conversion rates.

#6 Highlight Value Proposition

In order to get their attention, it’s important to let customers know how unique your offerings are. The value proposition needs to be extraordinary in order to encourage them to opt for your service.

#7 The Loading Time Matters

Regardless of how much time you spend crafting the right landing pages with the best content and images, none of it will matter if the load time is high. It’s important that your landing pages load within a few seconds, or else your users will be apt to leave without waiting to see what your site has to offer.

For excellent responsive web design, custom/ template sites, sales process support, CRM automation and results driven online marketing strategies, feel free to connect with Digital Canteen at this number – 02-9025-4304.

Thanks for reading,
Digital Canteen Team

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