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5 Reasons It’s Absolutely Worth It to Invest in a Marketing Agency for Your Small Business
  • Posted at 12:21 pm in Copywriting , Digital Marketing , Email Marketing , Facebook Marketing , Marketing , Social Media Marketing , by Digital Canteen
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5 Reasons It’s Absolutely Worth It to Invest in a Marketing Agency for Your Small Business

Every small business owner knows it takes money to make money. And savvy owners are always looking for ways they can reduce costs. This often means taking on roles and responsibilities that could be hired out in an attempt to save money.

The problem is, business owners often find themselves overworked and stretched thin, taking on more work and responsibility than they can handle…and your burnout is most certainly bad for business.

One area business owners try to DIY is marketing. They think to themselves,

How hard can it be to create an eye-catching ad?

I can throw a monthly newsletter together in an hour.

Keeping up with social media? I can respond in between meetings.

It may seem easy to keep your head above water, but the hard truth is this—such tasks are only the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more that goes into quality marketing…and we’re not just saying that because we’re in the business. We’re saying it because it’s true.

And so, we thought we’d share with you our top 5 reasons why it is 100% worth it to put the marketing of your business into the hands of a professional agency.

1. Helps You Make the Most of Your Brand

If you haven’t yet solidified your business brand, chances are you are missing opportunities to connect with new clients. A good brand for a business is like a good reputation for a businessman or woman—it gives confidence to potential customers that you will do exactly what you say you’re going to do. And it is certainly worth retaining the help of an expert to ensure your brand compliments the voice of your business.

If you created a DIY brand for your company, you may be just fine. But a professional marketing time will likely help you find ways to refine your current brand in a way that will boost your business.

2. Partners With You as Your Business Grows

We all dream of growing our business into an industry juggernaut that is respected by our peers and sought after by customers. But staying afloat during a growth tsunami and knowing how to scale your business accordingly can be tricky without the help of marketing pros.

When you hire a professional team, you’re essentially retaining the services of a growth partner who will help you navigate growth pitfalls, listen to your ideas, and offer suggestions of their own. You’ll get the support you need and the frank advice you need to hear.

3. Improves Design and Copy

When you retain the services of professional marketers, you’ll receive exactly that—the benefits that come from having a full and varied team with years of professional experience at creating eye-catching designs and interesting content.

There is so much minutiae when it comes to designing a compelling brand that compliments your website that also compliments your social media feed. Your marketing team has the experience and resources to create detailed designs that will up the professional appearance of your business.

Then there is the art of copywriting. As a professional within your industry, you no doubt have a wealth of information you’d love to share but taking the time to create a captivating social media post or thought-provoking blog post can be daunting…and ensuring you’re posting fresh content regularly can be overwhelming.

A marketing team can take your great ideas and craft them into interesting blog posts, noteworthy infographics, and other formats that will show your followers that your business is a thought leader within its industry.

4. Reduces Your Stress

This point cannot be overstated. Hiring a professional team allows you to hand off all those nagging tasks that keep you up at night because you haven’t replied to hundreds of comments on your social media pages or written a new blog in over a month.

By entrusting your business to experienced professionals, you can take care of your business while the pros take care of your marketing needs.

5. Is More Economical Than You Think

Cost is the most common answer business owners give when asked why they haven’t hired a professional marketing team. While we acknowledge hiring the services of professionals is an investment, the return you’ll see makes the initial cost worth it.

Consider the amount of time and training required to teach one of your employees to oversee your social media pages (and the significant learning curve that is involved). You will be paying employees for their time, and the added stress of having to manage your social media accounts on top of completing their other duties may cause them to look elsewhere for employment…which means you’ll be subjected to the increased costs associated with hiring a new trainee.

If you are looking for a professional marketing team that will provide as much (or as little) marketing assistance as you need, contact us at Digital Canteen.

We’d love to show you just how valuable (and lucrative) good marketing can be.

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